如果您需要用(中文)接受幫助,請電洽 86, #511028 將免費向您提供口譯員服務 Please enter search criteria below to start your search (enter data in any field- we will search with whatever information you provide to us- remember less is more) If you have partial information, or not sure of the exact name etc., you may use a wildcard search by placing a. Si necesita ayuda en Español, por favor llame al 86, #511028 para proporcionarle un intérprete de manera gratuita. If you have questions or need additional assistance, please call 20. Apply for or Renew a License Check a License Frequently Asked Questions. Supply the requested information and submit and your new license will be processed and issued electronically (security ID cards will be mailed). When submitting an application for license renewal, you will enter your license number and your information will automatically populate, reducing the amount of information that you will need to provide and making the experience faster.

When you renew, you may notice that DLCP recently moved to a simpler, easier-to-use online application platform.